Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Twice Baked Potato

I had this potato video (when I made the steak) that was just sitting on my hard drive and figured "why not share this with y'all."

It is an easy recipe to make. Take a potato and
bake it (or microwave it)
gut it with a spoon into a bowl
add the cool ingredients (you can use whatever you like) I used butter, sour cream, and salt/pepper

Mix it all and place back into the hollowed out potato (bake or nuke for a min or so for a piping hot potato... top with cheese for that extra WOW factor).

Enjoy Kitty Gatos!

See the madness on You tube --> POTATO 


Saturday, July 10, 2010


I am looking for new recipies to make. I have a few in mind and may have y'all vote on what you want to see me make next. I also may just have you email me a recipe and see if I can make it.

Thanks for coming by and stay tuned for more from this fat guy. Please subscribe to all my stuff.. I can't direct you to it yet but heck.. you found me so you know more about it than I do!

Much love - The Keeme

Breakfast burrito

Making a breakfast burrito is not all that hard. You need beans, lard, eggs, tortillas and fire! See the madness on You tube --> Breakfast burrito

Ravioli burrito

I made the most delicious burritos from a can of Chef Boyardee ravioli. Ingredients are *can of rav, tortillas and hunger! See video on You tube of crazy mess ---> Ravioli burrito


I made this steak and my daughter (Brittany) ate the entire thing! I had to make a brand new one for me. See the Youtube video here --->Steak


I made a cake out of bread, frosting and a can of cherry pie filling. It was crazy.
Watch the Youtube madness here --> MAN CAKE